Moscow intends to establish an agency for the reconstruction of five-story residential buildings after the pace of their replacement slowed significantly under the urban planning and land commission headed by Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, Vedomosti reported Monday.
City officials are exploring the idea of building housing on their own through the creation of a state enterprise that will hire contractors.
The city canceled redevelopment projects being carried out by developers SU-155 and Krost in the Nagatinsky Zaton, Ivanovo and Kuzminki neighborhoods, but the TEN corporation took its case to the Supreme Arbitration Court and won when the city tried to cancel its project on Ryazansky Prospekt.
The government of Moscow's housing program shows 406 dilapidated buildings with a total area of about 1.3 million square meters remained to be demolished at the end of August.
The housing program also allows for 169 buildings to be demolished by investors.